mount kailash – tibet –
dirapuk gompa – kailash northface – 4890 m –
left: avalokiteshavara hill – right: vajrapani hill
pilgrims warshipping the holy mt. kailash
(gang rinpoche) in western tibet. the mt. kailash is considered a sacred place in four religions: bn, buddhism, hinduism and jainism.
pilgrims walk the kora (53 km long sacred circuit, highest pass at 5.700 m) around the mountain. tibetans believe that the entire walk should be made in a single day. some pilgrims are performing body-length prostrations over the entire length of the kora. it takes them about 3-4 weeks. mt. kailash (6.638 m) has never been climbed. it is one of the last spots on earth never
entered by men.